U.S. Gasoline Rises 1.9c to $2.3489/Gal. in Lundberg Survey 2017-03-12 17:35:43.278 GMT
By Laura Blewitt

(Bloomberg) -- Avg price for regular gasoline at U.S. pumps rose 1.9c during the two weeks ended March 10 to $2.3489/gal., according to Lundberg Survey Inc.

* Survey by Camarillo, Calif.-based co. taken March 10 and based on information collected at 2,500 filling stations

* Price is 50.7c higher than a year earlier when prices averaged $1.8419/gal. on March 4, 2016

* Highest avg U.S. retail price: $3.03/gal. in San Francisco

* Lowest avg U.S. retail price: $2.03/gal. in Baton Rouge, La.

* Long Island, N.Y.: $2.37/gal.

* Houston: $2.09/gal.

* "From here the trend is going to reverse with a gentle down-tick,” Trilby Lundberg, president of Lundberg Survey, says in telephone interview. “It’s been ticking up for the past 4 weeks, it seems likely that from here prices will edge down"

Lower crude, robust refinery production and lower RIN prices to pressure retail gasoline prices


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